My Blog

Do all your posts look the same?

Posting the same type of post over and over again can become a little mundane for your audience. Yes of course, if you’re an estate agent you should be posting your properties but that shouldn’t be the only thing you post. Remember, social media is supposed to be social so try and inject some of this into your channels. We know why we need to market our businesses on social media (here’s a reminder ๐Ÿ˜Š) ๐Ÿ‘‰ Increases brand awareness  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Builds trust and โ€œhumanisesโ€ your business ๐Ÿ‘‰ Demonstrates your expertise ๐Ÿ‘‰ Keeps you top of mind with potential customers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Can drive traffic


Social Media Marketing – Getting Comfortable in front of the camera.

You’ve no doubt heard all the talk around video content being the best way to increase your reach on Instagram.  Does this fill you with absolute dread?  It can feel a little bit uncomfortable getting in front of the camera to promote your business so I thought it might be helpful to put together some tips on how you can get more comfortable in front of the camera. Previous Next The main thing is to get started – once you have practised it will become easier and believe me you won’t feel as blurrrgh about it!  It will also have


Why am I not growing?

If you’ve become a little stagnant and your reach or engagement has fallen off a cliff, then maybe you need to have a look at your content strategy. Here’s some questions to ask yourself ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ ๐ŸŒŸ Does your content add value? try to: educate, advise, entertain, solve problems or be relatable. ๐ŸŒŸ Does the graphic look good? Is it the right size and can you see all of it? ๐ŸŒŸ Are you using all of the features available on the platform? We know video is a biggie, so are you including this in your strategy? ๐ŸŒŸ Are you engaging with

social media agency leeds
Stand Out Social

Those Pesky #

Thereโ€™s no magic formula or even number but a couple of things that will really help is research and using more specific hashtags. ย Spend a little time researching – here are a few things to try ย  Size matters – check how many times the hashtag has been used. If its really high your post will pretty much get lost. Try something a little more specific. Once you’ve found your smaller hashtag check the content just to make sure you and your brand will sit nicely there. Sometimes a hashtag can have a completely different meaning Avoid using the same

about me - shelley lucas ball
Stand Out Social

We’re one month old

So I launched my business 1 whole month ago today & I’m LOVING it! I’ve made some great new connections so I thought I would jump on & give you a few little facts about me and why I launched my business. So here goes… I am a mum of 2 very spirited twin girls who are strong minded (which I love – most of the time!), bloody gorgeous & lots of fun to be around! I met my husband in Australia way back in 1999. We were travelling at the time. He came back to the UK while I